Garish weddings, cakes groaning under sugar sculptures, pancake and blue eye shadow, bling and blow-dried beehives, melodramatic soaps and mushy greeting cards crammed with pink hearts, gilt and glass drawing rooms,red and oily overcooked curries…are just some of the things that make me scream OTT (over the top). I’m more of a less is more kind of person.…
Making kids eat beet is a bit like subjecting them to Schubert or Mozart, while their souls swing to the hip-hop beat. In fact, I know most people aren’t nuts about beetroot, and that’s precisely why I tried this salad. I wanted to make beets cool. Most times they are seen on cheffy dishes -watched TV and then forgotten. But there’s a reason why chefs are cooking so much with…
Spring has begun behaving like summer now, with the mercury regularly hitting the mid 30s (but I’m not complaining). After putting up with two bone-aching winters in a row (I moved hemispheres at the end of the Indian winter and at the beginning of the SA one), I’m absolutely over the moon (or sun) re-discovering my predominantly summer wardrobe of shorts, skirts and flipflops. And I’m in the mood for…
Bold and beautiful, that was my mood while making this unapologetically siren-red, full-bodied risotto. You know how on some days you’re happy with your workout, the endorphins kick in and you feel like a million bucks. So I was ready to pull out the stops and dish out a dinner that had a Beyonce-like personality – eyeball-attracting appearance and robust,voluptuous flavours.…
Spring has magically breathed life into the earth and little green shoots and leaves are sprouting all over my garden. Brown is giving way to green and buds are bursting open to reveal their jewel-hued personalities. It seems that life is everywhere in its most vibrant and vigorous avatar. These days I delight in exploring the corners of my garden, looking for new life, and each time I spot a…
Like Sade’s velvety voice, the luxurious creamy texture of this Roasted Butternut Squash Avocado and Feta Salad, wraps you in a soft, downy, duvet. I wanted to make a filling salad sans meat, so I chose ingredients with rich texture that would perfectly complement crisp slices of a baguette. Butternut squash gets better when roasted with a splash of olive oil, acquiring a lovely caramelly crunch that adds an extra…
Green And White Chicken Noodle Soup
If you had to give freshness a colour (or colours), what would they be? I’m guessing green would be the most natural choice and white too because it’s clean and light. In the mood for a light-as-air meal that wouldn’t induce a food coma, I came up with this noodle soup, with only green or white ingredients. The thin soup and rice noodles sit like feathery down in your tummy,…
I know this doesn’t look like a cupcake all gloriously puffed and pretty but it is…a cupcake with lots of fruit and the crunch of walnuts. So it’s actually a fruitcake masquerading as a cupcake but it’s moist and so light; almost like a cloud of fruit (not dense and heavy like many fruitcakes can be). It also has very little flour which is there only to give the fruit…
Seduced by the sight of plump, red, juicy tomatoes (maybe they even winked at me), I bought a few kilos more than I needed. But no complaints, when I was yearning for a fresh, light, al fresco lunch on a Saturday afternoon, my gorgeous, crimson, Rubenesque beauties were just ripe for the…
Roast potatoes just got bold, brassy and bodacious in the fashion of Bollywood films. Dressed up in a rich spice mix, these roast potatoes can hold their own unlike plain salted roast potatoes. The recipe, adapted from Pushpesh Pant’s India Cookbook,is a fried potato dish from the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh known for its fiery cuisine. Cooking for a party, I figured it was much easier and less…